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Advanced Features

This guide covers advanced features and functionality in FileSyncHub.

Selective Sync

Pattern-Based Sync

Configure specific patterns for synchronization:

# Include patterns
include = [

# Exclude patterns
exclude = [

Directory-Specific Rules

# Specific directory rules
"Documents/" = {
    include = ["*.pdf"],
    exclude = ["drafts/"],
    priority = 1

"Photos/" = {
    include = ["*.{jpg,png,raw}"],
    exclude = ["*.thumb.jpg"],
    priority = 2

Version Control

File Versioning

# Enable versioning
enabled = true
max_versions = 10
version_format = "{filename}.{timestamp}.{ext}"

# Retention policy
keep_daily = 7
keep_weekly = 4
keep_monthly = 3

Conflict Resolution

# Resolution strategy
strategy = "newer"  # or "local", "remote", "rename"
backup_conflicts = true
backup_dir = "~/.filesynchub/conflicts"

# Custom resolution
"*.doc" = "local"
"*.pdf" = "remote"
"important/*" = "ask"


File Encryption

# Enable encryption
enabled = true
algorithm = "AES-256-GCM"
key_file = "~/.filesynchub/keys/master.key"

# Key management
key_rotation_interval = "30d"
backup_keys = true
backup_location = "~/.filesynchub/keys/backup"

Encrypted Sync

# Encryption settings per directory
"Private/" = {
    enabled = true,
    algorithm = "AES-256-GCM",
    key = "private-key-1"

"Shared/" = {
    enabled = true,
    algorithm = "ChaCha20Poly1305",
    key = "shared-key-1"

Advanced Networking

Proxy Configuration

# HTTP/HTTPS proxy
http_proxy = ""
https_proxy = ""
no_proxy = "localhost,"

# SOCKS proxy
socks_proxy = "socks5://"
socks_auth = true
socks_username = "user"
socks_password = "${SOCKS_PASSWORD}"

Connection Management

# Retry settings
max_retries = 5
retry_delay = 10
exponential_backoff = true
max_delay = 300

# Timeouts
connect_timeout = 30
read_timeout = 60
write_timeout = 60

# Keep-alive
keep_alive = true
keep_alive_interval = 30
max_idle_connections = 10

Advanced Monitoring

Metrics Collection

# Enable Prometheus metrics
enabled = true
address = ""
endpoint = "/metrics"

# Collected metrics
collect_cpu = true
collect_memory = true
collect_disk = true
collect_network = true

Health Checks

# Health check endpoints
endpoints = [

# Check configuration
interval = 60
timeout = 5
failure_threshold = 3
success_threshold = 1

Plugin System

Plugin Management

# Plugin directory
directory = "~/.filesynchub/plugins"
auto_update = true
allow_unsigned = false

# Plugin configuration
enabled = true
config_file = "custom-plugin.toml"
priority = 100

Event Hooks

# File events
on_file_create = ["notify", "compress"]
on_file_modify = ["backup", "sync"]
on_file_delete = ["archive"]

# System events
on_startup = ["check-updates"]
on_shutdown = ["cleanup"]
on_error = ["notify-admin"]

Advanced Compression

Compression Settings

# Enable compression
enabled = true
algorithm = "zstd"
level = 3

# File-specific settings
"*.txt" = { algorithm = "gzip", level = 9 }
"*.log" = { algorithm = "zstd", level = 1 }
"*.pdf" = { enabled = false }


# Enable deduplication
enabled = true
chunk_size = "1MB"
min_file_size = "10MB"

# Storage settings
storage_path = "~/.filesynchub/chunks"
max_storage = "10GB"
gc_interval = "7d"

Advanced Security


# Multi-factor authentication
mfa_enabled = true
mfa_type = "totp"
backup_codes = 10

# Session management
session_timeout = 3600
max_sessions = 5
require_auth_on_start = true

Access Control

# Role-based access control
roles = ["admin", "user", "readonly"]

# Permissions
"admin" = ["read", "write", "delete", "config"]
"user" = ["read", "write"]
"readonly" = ["read"]

Performance Tuning

Cache Management

# Memory cache
memory_cache_size = "256MB"
memory_cache_ttl = 3600

# Disk cache
disk_cache_path = "~/.cache/filesynchub"
disk_cache_size = "1GB"
disk_cache_ttl = 86400

Thread Pool

# Worker threads
worker_threads = 4
io_threads = 2
compute_threads = 2

# Queue settings
max_queue_size = 1000
queue_timeout = 30

Example Configurations

High-Security Setup

encryption.enabled = true
encryption.algorithm = "AES-256-GCM"
mfa_enabled = true

verify_ssl = true
proxy.enabled = true
proxy.type = "socks5"

health_checks = true
alert_on_failure = true

level = "warn"
audit_log = true

High-Performance Setup

worker_threads = 8
io_threads = 4

memory_cache_size = "1GB"
disk_cache_size = "10GB"

max_concurrent_transfers = 10
chunk_size = "16MB"

algorithm = "zstd"
level = 1